Publications and Accepted Papers
With Patricia Gil, John List, Andrew Simon, Alejandro Zentner. Journal of Public Economics (2024) [Research Brief]
With Rafael Jimenez Duran and Eduardo Laguna-Muggenburg. American Economic Journal: Applied (2024)
with Bocar Ba and Roman Rivera. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2023)
with John List, Alejandro Zentner, Joaquin Zentner, and Marvin Cardoza. Journal of Public Economics (2023)
Working Papers
With David Novgorodsky and Andrew Simon
With Pradhi Aggarwal, Alec Brandon, Ariel Goldszmidt, John List, Ian Muir, Greg Sun, and Thomas Yu
[Policy Brief] [Research Brief] (Revisions Requested, Science)
With Alec Brandon, Andrew Simon, and Haruka Uchida
[Policy Brief] (Revisions Requested, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics)
Selected Works in Progress
with John List, Alejandro Zentner, Joaquin Zentner, and Marvin Cardoza
[data collected]
Is Tax Avoidance Contagious? Evidence from a Field Experiment
With Ricardo Perez-Truglia and Alejandro Zentner
Debt Amnesties and Energy Consumption in Argentina
With Alejandro Danon and Jared Gars
Gambling for Retirement: Prize-Linked Savings as a Policy Tool
With Jared Gars, Matthias Rodemeier, and Juan Miguel Villa